Wednesday, June 06, 2007

uy! himala na!


PiLLows Society

onCe on a rAiny afternoon
siX peopLe gatherEd iN one croWded room
theY had nOthing to dO fOr the wAter wAs Falling d0wn
tHeir miNds werE cLouded aNd theiR faces wiTh a fRown

thEn... aLas! an aMazing iDea cAme to tHeir mindS
iT was s0methinG thEy can d0, juSt to kiLL thE timE
a pEso they d0nated to bUy s0mething deLici0us
a piLLows deLight, a sNack tHat was s0 pReci0us

aFter theY fiNished, tHey bOught aNother, tHen aNother
0nly to fiNd 0ut thaT theY hAd n0 mOre pEso tO oFFer
sAtisFiEd and gLad wiTh whAt hAd haPpened
tHey saiD theiR gooDbyes jUst wHen thE raiN hAd eNded...
Pillows Society, a blog that serves as a reservoir (n. a place where anything is collected or accumulated in great amount) of memories and happiness...

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